Mariah has been working in branding and design as a Senior Strategist and Researcher for over ten years. She started her career in London, working in experiential and innovation design, before moving to New York to work with large brands and startups alike to uncover unique and meaningful growth opportunities. She has worked at Pearlfisher, The Future Laboratory, High Tide, Rec Trends, Stylus, and IKEA, often bridging cultural and semiotic insights to actionable springboards for creative discovery. Throughout her career, she has had the opportunity to work across many categories but food and beverage innovation and sustainable design have been her deepest areas of focus. Her clients have included PepsiCo, Diageo, General Mills, Suntory, Campari, and Moët Hennessy.
In addition to working with brands, Mariah has taught design at the undergraduate and graduate levels and written about the future of design for the Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies journal. Recently, Mariah rerooted her life back to Maine, where she is originally from, and has become a highly enthusiastic rural convert, earning the name “rugged girl” from her elderly neighbors. She built her own house, is a keen gardener, and runs a small side business working with local apiaries to make hand-dipped beeswax candles.